Become a ZS Air Conditioner
'ZS Air Conditioners' will receive :
- Bonus Cartoon(s)
- Making of Video(s)
- Pre-releases of ZS comic strips
- With always more to come ...
As well as the epic esoteric original art you receive, this subscription helps to send a direct cash flow (transmutable metaphysical energy) to ZS the artist (me) creating the work. I love it (+ the grind) and do it hardcore regardless but it's cool.
Squiz the ratings on the 'Big Dood' product for an insight, as those materials are included here.
(Btw : This product is the evolved version of 'Subbers' )
Solo animation is work but I'm a creator psycho and do it all the time.
Customer notes : You can unsub at anytime + use an email alias if preferred as that's the only thing received here + $.
'Preciate it and / or 'preciate you watching and pinging the episodes around.
Bonus original ZS cartoons / vids / tunes for a monthly Subscription!